Medical Professionals, Nutritionists & Researchers If you are a medical professional or nutrition specialist, the LifeChek calorie monitoring device will provide you with important, in-depth information about your patient's and/or client's metabolism. |
LifeChek information helps you prepare dietary guidelines for your patient. It eliminates the nutritional guesswork involved because it tells you exactly how many calories are being burned. Worn discreetly, it reads calories burned every 12 seconds, records the information and makes it available to you by downloading the data to your PC. LifeChek measures metabolism at all times when worn while resting, exercising, watching television, even during eating. Creating the right dietary plan can be difficult. The difficulty is complicated by the inability to measure a patient's metabolism. But now, with LifeChek, you can measure an individual's metabolism accurately, easily. |
You'll be able to use the information to help your dieter by providing a clear picture of their nutritional needs. You can create accurate historical pictures of each individual's metabolism thereby allowing you to properly recommend a plan of action. Have your patient wear the reusable main component on their arm for a day, several days, or a week to collect metabolic information. Remove the device and use it over and over for many patients. Once used, discard the disposable portion of the device. Provide a new, disposable part for each user. |
LifeChek allows you to customize your calorie expenditure measurements calculate your calories per day, per hour or even your total calories! LifeChek converts your information to easily understandable charts. View your calorie expenditures in individual graphs or chart your progress with comparison graphs.
Further information can be found on these pages of our website:
Behind LifeChek Obesity
in the United States
If you are interested in LifeChek and you want more information, please use the e-mail link below. Provide your contact information as well as your institutional affiliation. |